Tommy Burroughs in Door County on New Year’s Eve

Tommy Burroughs and Eddie Smith bring their award-winning “Memphis Soul Country” show to Baileys Harbor’s Cornerstone Pub on New Year’s Eve.

burroughs-smithTommy ‘T-Bone’ Burroughs has wowed Door County audiences with his amazing mandolin, guitar and fiddle playing for several years. He has won the NARAS premier String Player award in Memphis a record 7 times.  He is an accomplished singer/songwriter and is one of the most respected multi-instrumentalists in the Memphis area. Burroughs is joined by Eddie Smith, also from Memphis, at the Cornerstone Pub on Tuesday, December 31 from 9 pm to midnight in celebrating  New Year’s Eve 2014. The Cornerstone serves full dinners until 9 pm and pizza until midnight.

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Here they are in Memphis with Buddy Church…

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